Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Open House last night...

We had Open House last night at the Middle School level. Once I started sharing about our Mobile Learning Community, it became "real". As I talked with parents about differentiated assignments, working in groups to complete tasks using authentic resources with the technology our students are already using as tools not just "toys" and how it will offer them better career opportunities, I felt the project begin to grow legs.  I explained how our District was looking forward to integrating students' devices to help them learn, how we were going to be "guinea pigs", (my students liked this), beginning the process.  I explained how I thought our class would look, and how we would have visitors; that we'd be blogging so others would be able to follow. The parents were very impressed and pleased to hear about the technology - let's face it, when was the last time they were told, "look, we have state of art technology in the classroom that your child will be using daily to learn"? 

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